500 days without an LTA!!
08 Dec 2020
Space Engineering Services recently reached the milestone of 500 days without a Lost Time Accident (LTA). Our last LTA was in July 2019, and we are making good progress towards making 2020 LTA free.
In a challenging year, this is a real point for celebration.
This is a new record we are very proud of, and achieving this milestone is only made possible by the hard work and commitment from all of our colleagues and teams across our business.
In recent years, we have significantly invested in the development of our HSEQ objectives, resulting in new equipment, systems, training, and ways of thinking.
Accidents are not inevitable, and we strive to prevent them by creating a Culture of Care within the organisation. We are committed to having open and transparent conversations on safety and, we have implemented the Safety Climate Tool to influence cultural improvement across the business.
Congratulations to everyone for achieving this milestone and a special thank you to our HSEQ Team, for their impact on our health and safety performance!